Q: What is the RepairCompanion?
A: RepairCompanion is a website providing tools designed to assist in the identification of electronic components, calculations related to electronics component identification and motor applications
Component Identification
Q: How do I search for an SMD code?
A: Navigate to the "SMD Code Search" page from the homepage. Enter the SMD code in the input field and click "Search". The corresponding component information, if available, will be displayed in a card format.
Q: How do I search for an IC?
A: Navigate to the "IC Search" page from the homepage. Enter the IC part number in the input field and click "Search". The corresponding IC information, if available, will be displayed in a card format.
Q: How do I identify IC logos?
A: Navigate to the "IC Logos" page from the homepage. You will find a collection of IC manufacturer logos. Click on a logo to be redirected to the manufacturer's website.
Q: How do I decode capacitor codes?
A: Navigate to the "Capacitor Codes" page from the homepage. Use the table provided to correlate letter codes with voltage values. For EIA cap markings, enter the 3-digit number in the input field and the corresponding capacitance will be calculated and displayed.
Q: How do I identify diode color markings?
A: Navigate to the "Diode Color Markings" page from the homepage. Use the images and information provided to identify the properties of different types of diodes.
Q: How do I decode resistor color codes?
A: Navigate to the "Resistor Color Code" page from the homepage. Select the number of bands on your resistor and the color of each band, then click "Calculate". The corresponding resistance, tolerance, and temperature coefficient (if applicable) will be calculated and displayed.
Q: How do I decode SMD resistor codes?
A: Navigate to the "SMD Resistor Codes" page from the homepage. Enter the 3-digit code in the input field and the corresponding resistance will be calculated and displayed.
Q: How do I access inverter manuals?
A: The "Inverter Manuals" page is currently under development. When completed, it will provide manuals or links to manuals for inverters.
Q: How do I calculate motor torque?
A: Navigate to the "Motor Torque Calculator" page from the homepage. Enter the motor speed (in RPM) and power (in KW), then click "Calculate". The corresponding torque will be calculated and displayed.
Q: How do I calculate the number of poles in a motor?
A: Navigate to the "Motor Poles Calculator" page from the homepage. Enter the motor frequency (in Hz) and synchronous speed (in RPM), then click "Calculate". The corresponding number of poles will be calculated and displayed.
Q: How do I calculate voltage, resistance, or current using Ohm's Law?
A: Navigate to the "Ohm's Law Calculator" page from the homepage. Enter two of the three values (voltage, resistance, and current), then click "Calculate". The third value will be calculated and displayed.